mischler financial geostrategic sitrep april 19 2024 hr mcmaster wilfred frost

Episode 11: Recorded April 19 2024 : Mischler Financial Group Geostrategic SITREP with Mischler Special Advisor LTG H.R. McMaster (ret) and Wilfred Frost, Sky News Broadcast Journalist/ NBC News & CNBC Co-Anchor

Recorded six hours after the State of Israel launched a retaliatory missile strike against military targets inside the country of Iran. Within minutes of the global headlines profiling the attack, global equities markets plunged, with pre-market trading in S&P 500 futures contracts falling nearly 2%, touching on a 1-year support line, only to recover a portion of those losses at the opening of trading in New York. General McMaster and Wilf Frost discuss the impact of the latest geopolitical event.


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