Mischler Special Advisor LTG H.R. McMaster (ret)
On Friday, Feb 7 2025 Mischler Financial Group CEO Dean Chamberlain sat down with LTG H.R. McMaster (ret), Special Advisor to Mischler and former National Security Advisor to the President for the latest in a series of exclusive Geopolitical | Global Macro SITREPs a/k/a “Situation Reports” provided by General McMaster.
The latest discussion focuses on (i) the current state of events shaping U.S.economic and national security interests, (ii) relationships with allies and adversaries, the good, bad, and concerning issues surrounding the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and the impact of these elements on global financial markets.
Full Interview: (21 min) Feb 7 2025 Mischler Financial Group Inc Geopolitical | Global Macro Sitrep w H.R. McMaster
Segment #1 (5 min): Will Tariff Warfare Now Trump Military Warfare?
Segment #2 (4 min): Deciphering the First Salvo of White House Executive Orders:
Segment #3 (4 min): Can a U.S. Takeover of Gaza Bring Peace to the Middle East?
Segment #4 ( 4 min): AI, Deregulation, and National Security
Segment #5 (4 min): What Are We Missing?