by Mischler MarCom | Oct 15, 2018 | Muni Market
New Muni Market Debt Offerings Scheduled for Week of October 15, 2018- Last week muni volume was about $3.0 billion. This week volume is expected to be $10.8 billion. The negotiated market is led by $1.2 billion taxable bonds for The Toledo Hospital, Ohio and $1.2...
by Mischler MarComm Team | Oct 1, 2018 | Muni Market
New Municipal Bond offering scheduled the week of Oct 1, 2018, include muni debt deals advanced by the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority and Dormitory Authority of the State of New York. As always, the Mischler Muni Market Outlook provides public finance...
by Mischler MarComm Team | Sep 21, 2018 | Recent Deals
Mischler Financial Group Inc. Serves as Co-Manager for $500 million in green bonds issued by Alliant Energy Corp. subsiidary Interstate Power & Light MADISON, Wis., Sept. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Interstate Power and Light Company (“IPL”), a wholly owned subsidiary...
by Mischler MarComm Team | Sep 4, 2018 | Muni Market, News and Information
New Muni Debt Offerings Scheduled for the Holiday-Shortened Week of September 04-Last week muni volume was about $4.5 billion. This holiday-shortened week volume is expected to be $3.6billion. The negotiated market is led by $900.9million future tax bonds for New York...
by Mischler MarComm Team | Aug 27, 2018 | Muni Market
New Muni Debt Offerings Scheduled Week of August 27 2018 & Note of Condolence and Tribute to Senator John McCain, a true American Hero. This week’s Mischler Muni Market Update is dedicated to and sadly prefaced by Mischler Financial Group note of condolence to...
by Mischler MarComm Team | Aug 13, 2018 | Muni Market, Recent Deals
Municipal Debt Market Sees Highest Volumes for Year; New Muni Debt Offerings Scheduled Week of August 13 2018-With last week’s muni debt secondary market volume setting a record for the year, new muni bond issues scheduled for issuance this week is expected to be...