Mischler Financial Geopolitical SITREP 03-06-23 w HR McMaster

On March 6, 2023, shortly after his appearing before the House Select Committee on U.S. National Security, Mischler Financial Group Special Advisor and former U.S. National Security Advisor LTG H.R. McMaster (Ret.) provided an exclusive Geopolitical SITREP for clients of Mischler Financial.

During his presentation, General McMaster addresses a range of discrete questions conveyed by senior corporate executives, asset managers, and financial market traders who look to Mischler’s capital markets team for insight and guidance.


Clients of Mischler’s primary capital markets and/or customers of MFG’s secondary trading desk(s) who may be interested in scheduling a private call (or Zoom meeting) with MFG Special Advisor H.R. McMaster are invited to reach out to their Mischler coverage officer to coordinate a call.

Alternatively, for those attending the upcoming 26th annual Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles (April 30-May 3) and would like to schedule a private meeting with General McMaster, please reach out to Mischler CEO Dean Chamberlain (email [email protected])