Debt Market Commentary
Daily analysis of primary DCM Investment Grade & HY Corporate Debt activity distributed under the banner “Quigley’s Corner” to Fortune corporate treasury teams, asset managers who rely on Mischler, and Wall Street’s top fixed income syndicate desks. Insight includes a deep dive into the metrics of the day’s noteworthy new issuance, pending debt offerings, rates trading markets, and prospective M&A activity.
Veteran-Owned Mischler Financial Group Welcomes Former J.P. Morgan Executive as Debt Markets Managing Director
Veteran-Owned Mischler Financial Group Welcomes Former J.P. Morgan Executive as Managing Director, Debt Capital Markets Newport Beach, CA, and Stamford, CT – January 10, 2025 – Mischler Financial Group, Inc. (“Mischler”), the nation’s oldest diversity-certified...
Mischler Special Advisor HR McMaster: Post-Election Geostrategic Sitrep Nov 15 2024
This past Friday (November 15), LTG H.R. McMaster, the nation’s 25th National Security Advisor, and now Special Advisor to Mischler Financial Group, sat down with Mischler CEO & Principal Dean Chamberlain for a special “Geostrategic SITREP” that is designed to...
Mischler Financial Special Advisor HR McMaster Exclusive Geopolitical SITREP: Israel Attacked
Q3 Investment Grade Corporate Debt Issuance Concludes-Mischler Reports
Investment-grade corporate debt issuance during the last two months of Q3 2023 will best be remembered as a continuation of a higher-for-longer interest rate regime, during which Fortune CFOs and their treasury teams grappled with "go, no-go" decisions. Suffice to...
Mischler Exec Leads Discussion at Illinois State Treasurer’s 8th Annual Diversity in Investments Forum
September 21, 2023- This year's Illinois State Treasurer's Annual Diversity in Investments Forum, an event that attracts financial industry thought-leaders from around the country to share thoughts on diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices, had Mischler...
Best Practices When Selecting Diversity-Certified Broker-Dealers
July IG Corporate Debt Issuance: One Hot Summer for Big Bank Bond Offerings
As temperatures flared across the United States, making it the hottest July on record, IG Corporate Debt Issuance heated up for the third straight month in a row, with approximately $90bil of new issuance. Despite the heat, veteran-owned and operated Mischler...
June Blooms for IG Corporate Bond Issuance-Mischler Debt Capital Mkts
The month of June enjoyed a bloom of IG Corporate Bond issuance, and Mischler was front and center in the course of co-manager mandates awarded by Ally Financial, Goldman Sachs, Hewlett Packard Inc., Ford Motor Credit, NextEra Energy, Truist, PG&E, and Synchrony...
May Flowers: Mischler Co-Manages $12bil in IG Corporate Debt Issuance
For those who embrace "April showers bring May flowers", that adage held true for the IG corporate debt market. Participating in the uptick of new issuance from April, diversity-certified broker-dealer Mischler Financial Group's debt capital markets team served as...
Mischler Primary Debt Capital Markets Jan 2023 Scorecard: 8 Deals, $18.5bil New Issuance
With 2023 firmly underway, corporate debt issuers have found the markets more than welcoming to new offerings. As observed by Rob Karr, Mischler Financial Group's Head of Capital Markets, "January was a trifecta month; spreads are tighter, total returns for IG bonds...
October IG Debt Issuance: Mischler Plays Roles in $22bil New Offerings
During the month of October 2022, Mischler Financial Group, the nation's oldest diversity-certified broker-dealer owned & operated by military veterans (SDVOBE & MBE) served eight leading investment grade corporate debt issuers in the course of assisting the...
Mischler On Board For Union Pacific 3-Part Senior Notes Offering
Mischler Financial Group's Debt Capital Markets Team On Board For Union Pacific $1.9b 3-Part Senior Notes Offering The nation's second-largest North American railroad in terms of both revenue and volume and one that controls almost all of the rail-based shipping in...
Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corp Adds Mischler to LEAD Dealer Group
No Summer Slowdown for Corporate Debt Issuance-Mischler
Corporate debt issuance for the month of August remained resilient, despite the pervasive widening in the yield curve and recessionary concerns spreading across the credit markets. To the above, Mischler Financial Group's debt capital markets team did not have the...
Mischler Trifecta First Week of August Primary DCM: Intel, HSBC & Barclays
Mischler Financial Group's Primary DCM Team scored a Trifecta during the first week of August with (3) Active Co-Manager underwriting roles on behalf of issuers Intel Corp,, HSBC Holdings plc and Barclays plc. In aggregate, these issuers raised $12.75bil. Aug 2nd's...
Primary Debt Capital Markets
1000+Offerings | 230+ Issuers | $2 Trillion+
Investment Grade | High Yield Corporate
Municipal Debt | Agency Debt | Structured Products
Primary & Secondary Equity Capital Markets
230+ Initial Public Offerings
175+ Follow-on Offerings (115 Issuers)
Better Execution
10b-18 | 10b5-1 Broker Rotation Schedules
US Equities | ETFs | International Equities